Chad Miller's weblog


Wedding Photography

A few months ago, Mark and Ivette asked Ayan and me to take the photos for their wedding. Since neither of us has much experience with such matters, we gladly agreed to do it as a wedding gift so that Mark pays only for the film.

I used the occasion as an excuse to buy a really excellent lens that I’ve been lusting over for a while. We both bought plenty of 400- and 3200-speed black and white film in preparation. We shot the wedding, which was yesterday and was beautiful, and used all of that film, and even had to dip into our reserves of strange miscellaneous films to finish. I shot more than four hundred photos yesterday! That’s more than I shot in the whole year previous to it. Ayan probably shot at much as I did. It works out to… gosh, about one shot every 22 seconds.

Boy! was it tiring. I’m not sure I could do it for a living or hobby. But, I’m eager to see how the photos come out.