Civilization is the process of enlarging the category of We and Us, and moving people out of They and Them until no one is left in it.

Chad Miller’s stuff

Chad Miller
Atlanta, Georgia
+1 321-445-1123

curriculum vitæ, in most-weird to most-mundane order.

  • I am making a big model of the solar system.
  • I've been curling since 2020. I play regularly and teach people to play often.
  • I founded Café Scientifique Orlando in 2008 and organized for 6 years. I invited a different scientist out to the pub, each month, to talk about the most awesome topics in her field. A room full of about 80 people would listen, sip adult beverages, and ask questions.
  • I have used Linux almost exclusively since 1995, well before it was cool or remotely practical. That probably says a lot about me. I worked on Debian in late '90s to early 2000s, and Ubuntu professionally through 2010s.
  • I was the foreman of a jury in a gruesome criminal murder trial.
  • I helped get Orlando to adopt a new flag. It took a few years, and I helped design many and adopt a new one. I am not in love with the adopted one, but it's way better than the original. Democracy is messy.
  • I had cancer at age 25. Then I had a freak heart-attack at 35. If you think that might instill serenity, wisdom, or gravitas, I probably have a fart-joke for you. Also, I'm totally fine now and feel great.
  • I dig open source! I've worked on it in various forms, pro (Ubuntu! MySQL! AWS!) and as a hobby.
  • I have travelled a bit: Paris ×4, Orlando (12 years!), Seattle, Vieques, Boston, Heidelberg, Munich ×2, Dublin, Galway, Derry, Belfast, Stockholm ×2, Uppsala, Riga, Helsinki, Istanbul, Barcelona ×2, Boston, Brussels, London ×4, Copenhagen, Portland OR ×2, Córdoba (AR), Buenos Aires ×2, Malta, Prague, Taiwan, The Hague, Morocco. I’m trying to get to Istanbul (again, after Erdogan is out of office), India, Vietnam, Iran (after the Revolution succeeds).
  • I made Make a Bar, a mixed-drinks site based on my old Top Shelf android app. It filters recipes to what you can make and suggests what ingredients to buy.
  • Parenting notes. I might be a bad parent, but I’m a damned good engineer.
  • I like to play what is likely the oldest board-game in the world, Go / Weiqi.
  • Working at SandboxAQ.
  • Orlando Police calls and twitter accounts “orlpolZIP”
  • I took up photography at age 14.
  • I try to contribute to Code for America, Open Seattle, and Code for Orlando, which put my skills to use for a good purpose.

Contact info: +1-321-445-1123,, @chadmiller.